Regular People…
             Radical Love.

Strategically placed in downtown Vero Beach and empowered to be the presence of Christ near and far, the First Baptist family stands ready to transform our world for Christ. 

 2206 Sixteenth Ave
Vero Beach, FL


Our story…


Under the guidance of God’s leadership, fifteen charter members and Dr. J. C. DuBose established First Baptist Church in 1915 on the corner of Sixteenth Avenue and Twenty-third Street in downtown Vero Beach.  Over the years, as the local population grew, the congregation became known as the “Church that Always Builds,” and increased attendance, resources, and gifts.  In 1962, the church commissioned the current Georgian-Colonial style sanctuary currently hosting the church’s two worship services. The people of First Baptist Church strive to join God at work in the downtown district and beyond, hosting a variety of ministries–from sports opportunities every week for at-risk youth to housing one of the largest food banks in Vero Beach.  It also partners with several ministries and missions at home and abroad, including the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, the Treasure Coast Baptist Association, and the Southern Baptist Convention.  The church also supports missions efforts throughout the county, state and around the world. First Baptist Church remains committed to being the presence of Christ in the community, providing a resource and network of Christian ministry, and growing disciples that value the Great Commission (Matthew 28) and God’s imperative that we are to love our neighbors.